Akademos - Revista de știinta, inovare, cultura si arta

Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei

About us

The The “AKADEMOS” journal of science, innovation, culture and art is a generalist scientific publication of national interest, reviewed, with Open Access, category “B”. 

Founder – the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The journal is registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova on May 25, 2005.

ISSN 1857-0461
E-ISSN 2587 – 3687


Edition – 450 copies
Periodicity – quarterly
Distribution – free-of-charge

The journal is indexed in the databases: DOAJ, INDEX COPERNICUS, ROAD, GOOGLE SCHOLAR.

The “AKADEMOS” journal of science, innovation, culture and art is a periodic scientific wide profile publication, of national and international interest, aimed at mirroring the modern scientific phenomenon and its development, publicizing the fundamental and valuable research in various fields, new technologies and the scientific results for the purpose of their innovative application, approaching issues and elucidating the investigations regarding the material and immaterial spiritual heritage, culture and arts.

Taxes and fees 
For publishing articles, the journal does not charge fees from the authors and does not pay any fees.
For reviewing articles, the journal does not pay any fees to the reviewers.

“Akademos” – an electronic journal with Open Access
The Open Access to the results of scientific research is supported by international initiatives in Budapest, Berlin and Bethesda. In our country, the state policy in the field of science and innovation is carried out in accordance with the Code on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova, adopted in 2004, which provides the guarantee of access to the scientific information.

The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the founder of the “AKADEMOS” journal, subscribes to the Open Access policy and ensures the complete reading of the contents of the journal through its free access on the Internet. The AKADEMOS” journal declares itself a scientific publication with Open Access, offering an alternative for publishing and promoting scientific results in the academic and university area.

The articles from the journal are archived and indexed by the Instrumentul Bibliometric Național (The National Bibliometric Tool).

E-mail: akademos@asm.md, vcucereanu.asm@gmail.com
Legal address: Republic of Moldova, MD-2012, Chisinau, 1 Stefan cel Mare şi Sfânt av.
Phone: (+373 22) 212381; mob.: (+373) 69076267

On-line versionhttp://akademos.asm.md

© The Academy of Sciences of Moldova