Autor: Valeriu CAZAC 1* John KALOGIROS 1 Marios ANAGNOSTOU 1 Frank MARZANO 2 Juan STELLA 3 Emmanouil ANAGNOSTOU 3 Errico PICCIOTTI 2 Giovanni CINQUE 2 Mario MONTOPOLI 2 Livio BERNARDINI 2 Andrea VOLPI 4 Andrea TELLESCHI 4 1* National Coordinator of HYDRORAD Project in Moldova 1 National Observatory from Athens, Greece 2 HIMET, High Innovation in Meteorology, L’Aquila, Italia 3 Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA 4 ELDES, ELI International Company, Firenze, Italia
Rainfall estimates based on classical weather radar observations have quantitative limitations mainly due to the lack of uniqueness in the relationship of the single radar measurable (refl ectivity) to the associated rainfall intensity.
Autor: A.I. Dicusar- membru corespondent al AŞM
Развитие различных отраслей промыш- ленности тесно связано, с одной стороны, с миниатюризацией изделий, а с другой – с получением функциональных материалов, обладающих специальными свойствами (электрическими,
магнитными, механическими и др.)